This is one of my all time favorite gallery piece entitled "Resurrection"

This is one of my all time favorite gallery piece entitled "Resurrection"

Monday, December 29, 2014

Doing the Whole Thing Differently

Things used to be a whole lot easier during the holidays - producing Christmas wonder in the kiddos meant a trip to the local toy store and maybe a few online additions. Christmas morning they would stand in front of the tree amazed at the many boxes wrapped in beautiful paper. Inside were building toys, books, and games that we would all play with together.

Fast forward a few years.

Electronics are everywhere in our world. At any given time there are laptops, I-Phones, and  I-Pads scattered all around our house. These days there's always a brand new piece of must have technology - at the cost of several hundred dollars. I am resentful of it all as it steals little pieces of our time together - of course I can't imagine trying to do all of the things that we do without modern conveniences. We're always trying to create a balance.

As we contemplated gifts for the kids this year we decided to forgo the giving of many "things." After all - they have so much - and the one thing we are always wishing for is more time together. It's what they ask for - time to talk, time to 
play games, time to just be together. This year, along with our traditional giving of footy pajamas, they would all four open packages containing itineraries of a family road trip we planned. There will be time to relax, play games, and talk as well as have a few adventures.

We were completely confident about this gift up until a few days before Christmas - then we started to wonder, "Will they be disappointed?" "Was this a bad idea?" We just didn't know what to think.

Then the time to open gifts was upon us - we saved the kids' until the very last. And as one by one they opened their gifts we saw big smiles and excitement - and we knew we'd done a good job. "We're going on a road trip!!" "This is so awesome!" Hearing the kids' enthusiasm was music to our ears.

I am now writing this while in the car at the 8th hour of our 15 hour road trip. We've already had a good time - we honk the horn every time we pass through a new state and half of us are still wearing footy pajamas. We have some of our favorite games packed - chess, Monopoly, Connect Four and a new one, Betrayal of the House on the Hill. It's a good feeling to know we're just going to be together for the next few days. It's a relief not to have bought a bunch of "stuff" - most of which would have been forgotten after a short while. As the kids get older and time moves faster and faster I'm thinking that the best gifts we can give them are knowledge of the bigger world,experiences, and time together to just be.

Brookland, DC sample board.

The sample board for my Brookland, DC installation!

"The Locals"

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Identity Crises

We humans are complicated beings. I feel like I'm always trying to oversimplify everything; I want it all to be neat and tidy, organized and orderly, and to follow some sort of straight path. But it rarely, (if ever),goes that way. I want to define myself with one summarizing word, so that I can easily identify myself to others, and maybe even me. Yet, when I am able to break things down into simple terms I am never quite satisfied. I am always evolving, my perception of that around me always changing, along with the perception of myself.

I have worn a lot of titles proudly:artist, single mother, activist, ect. As time has gone by, I've sought out more and more challenges, mostly because I can't stand to sit still and have an absolute fear of boredom. I want to create and participate in the world around me. Sometimes I resist, because I have committed to a certain identity, and then there's fear. After all, if I present myself as one concept, how can I also be another?

There have been so many life changes for me in the last four months; I've taken on a new job, moved my household, and two days ago, married the most wonderful,loving man. And while it's all been exciting, I'd be lying if I said there hasn't been fear. Fear of being someone or something different. Fear of not knowing what's next. Fear that I'm not the person I thought I was.

After the fear passes though, there is excitement. Who really wants to know what lies ahead anyway? What would I even do with that information? I may fear change at times, but I fear not changing more. And if I have to pick one simple word to describe me and who I am, it shouldn't be a title, maybe just an adjective. I want to be brave, and embrace new ideas and new experiences. But most importantly, I want my children to be brave, and face this world with enthusiasm instead of fear. And that means I've got to walk that walk, wherever that twisty, unknown path may lead.

Monday, January 6, 2014

The History of Mosaics Class

It's a little hard to believe I'm about to begin my seventh year of teaching mosaics!  For starters, most days I still think I'm about 22 so when I do the math it doesn't even make sense. Especially when you throw in the fact that my "babies" are 8 and almost 12. So most days, I skip the math.

 It's fun for me to look back at how my class has evolved; I now see it less as an event and more as a living entity. When I first began teaching, students had six weeks to create their project; five weeks to design it, learn to break the glass and adhere it and the last for grouting. We only met once a week. And so there was stress and pressure to finish. Those first couple of years I felt that I had to keep projects moving along in order to stay on schedule - after all, once that six weeks was up a new class began in the shared space where it was held. And God forbid any of the students had unexpected life circumstances pop up that required make - up classes - it sometimes felt impossible to make it all work.

I knew this wasn't optimal; it's not easy to take an art class. Almost every person who walks through the door immediately confesses that they are not "artistic" or "creative." "I can't even draw a stick figure," is what people tell me. But I know that's not true. Because it is my belief that anyone can do anything if their desire is great enough, and if they have the right environment and support system. The trick is opening up, becoming comfortable, and discovering your own style. I see people limiting themselves because their work isn't like their favorite artist, when in reality there is greatness in the vision and technique we all possess. It's that tricky confidence thing that holds us all back. I know this from experience - my high school art teacher once declared me hopeless. It has been my great pleasure to prove her wrong. But her words shook my confidence, and I had to work hard to erase
them from my heart and mind. She did me a favor though, as I have been determined to help people find their way in the often times intimidating world of creating art.

After I had my own teaching space, I had an epiphany; why did any class have to end? Why should someone limit the amount of time they work on a project? I know from my own professional experience sometimes I work quickly, while other times I needed to experiment, try different things, with the focus being the quality of my work, and not simply finishing as quickly as possible. I took the time constraints away, began charging per project instead of per session and added an extra day a week, allowing the class to be "drop in," so that students could work on their projects around their own schedules. Immediately, the quality of the work being produced improved. And I've been seeing amazing results since. Some students call it their "therapy," as there is truly something soothing about breaking apart glass, then reassembling it and creating beauty. There's also a camaraderie within the class, people of all ages, male and female, from different places come together with the common goal of creating, supporting each other, telling stories and laughing. We learn from each other, and even though we are all in the same room together week after week, no two projects are the same. Not even close. It's a kind of magic as I watch person after person shed their insecurity and face their creative fears. Every person leaves with a beautiful piece; most return to create more.

It's been seven years and I can not imagine my own work evolving without mosaics class. I am inspired by every person, keeping the class going year round in order to not lose momentum. And I must be doing a pretty good job - most of my students continue making mosaics, seven have begun their own mosaics business. I look forward to the next seven years - the class has moved to my most favorite and magic place - the third floor of the Avalon Theatre. We will work under the beautiful stained glass dome, as musicians make their art on the stages below us. We can take breaks out on the balcony that overlooks my beloved downtown Easton. I can't even imagine what's to come.